The Secretariat of Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Economy (SECEX/ME) launched a public consultation, for a period of 60 days, to collect contributions on the Brazilian accession terms to the World Trade Organization’s Government Procurement Agreement (GPA). The accession seeks the improvement of competitiveness and FDI attraction within the Brazilian government procurement market.

The Secretariat of Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Economy (SECEX/ME) launched a public consultation, for a period of 60 days, to collect contributions on the Brazilian accession terms to the World Trade Organization’s Government Procurement Agreement (GPA). The accession seeks the improvement of competitiveness and FDI attraction within the Brazilian government procurement market.

Circular n. 55/2020 of the Secretariat of Foreign Trade launched a public consultation to collect opinions from the private sector and the civil society regarding the Brazilian accession terms to the GPA. The accession seeks the improvement of competitiveness and FDI attraction within the Brazilian government procurement market.

The GPA is a plurilateral treaty with 20 signatory parties (48 WTO members) that represent a market of
US$ 1,7 trillion. 36 other WTO members have observatory status, while 12 (including Brazil) are in the accession process. The treaty’s goal is to provide mutual market access to government procurements by member commitment to non-discriminatory procedures.

Contributions can be submitted through an electronic form, available here (in Portuguese), until October 20.