The National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) established new administrative procedures for railway concessionaires to obtain authorization for the execution of projects on concession areas. It concludes an initiative from ANTT’s 2021-2022 Regulatory Agenda.

Resolution n.º 5.956/2021 from the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) established new administrative procedures for federal railway concessionaires to obtain ANTT authorization for the implementation of projects on rail concession areas (object of concession). It separately classified concessionaires projects (projects in the interest of the concessionary, or PIC, in the Portuguese acronym) and projects carried out by third-party bodies (projects in the interest of third parties, or PIT, in the Portuguese acronym) (article 4).

The resolution established additional classification of PIC in article 5 and provided the rules for ANTT authorization of PIC in articles 6 to 9. ANTT authorization rules for PIT are provided in articles 10 to 17, while common provisions for PIC and PIT are provided in articles 18 to 21. According to ANTT, simplified procedures were implemented for specific project classifications, e.g., automatic authorization for small-scale PIC. Project definitions are provided in article 3.

The new resolution is the result of ANTT Public Audience n.º 4/2021 (reported in the 24th edition of the Regulatory Report), whose final report is available here. The resolution is the first initiative of ANTT’s 2021-2022 Regulatory Agenda (macro-theme 4 – railway transportation) to be concluded. The Regulatory Agenda can be monitored here.