The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) updated the technical regulation on organic agriculture methods of production, describing production practices and substances approved for organic agriculture. The update seeks to improve the production of organic products in Brazil.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), through Ordinance n. 52/2021, updated the technical regulation on organic agriculture methods of production, which describes the production practices and the lists of substances that are authorized for organic agriculture. Agricultural goods are considered organic, and may be certified, when produced by organic production units that are registered in the National Registry of Organic Producers (CNPO, in the Portuguese acronym) and comply with the ordinance’s provisions.

According to MAPA, the update expanded the coverage of organic agriculture products, including dispositions on seeds, seedlings, and edible mushrooms. It also provided new rules for animal products and apiculture, as well as new practices to avoid contamination by different production units. The update also consolidated the normative acts related to organic agriculture into a single regulation, in line with Decree n. 10.139/2019, which provides for the simplification of the regulatory stock. Organic aquiculture, and organic sustainable forest products are not ruled by the ordinance.