The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) implemented new reinspection procedures for imported edible animal products, in accordance with Decree n. 10.468/2020. The procedures seek to facilitate trade and increase surveillance efficiency.

Normative Instruction n. 118/2021 from the Secretariat for Agricultural Defense (SDA) at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) implemented the new reinspection procedures for imported edible animal products provided by Decree n. 10.468/2020, which revised the Regulation of Industrial and Health Inspection of Animal Products (RIISPOA, in the Portuguese acronym). The revision seeks to reduce bureaucratic procedures and time for liberation, facilitating the trade of those products.

As reported in the 15th edition of the Regulatory Report, the decree made the International Agricultural Surveillance System (VIGIAGRO) responsible for the reinspection of imported edible animal products before entry, done preferably in primary import zones.

The normative instruction clarified (article 2) that the import of edible animal products will be authorized after they are surveilled by VIGIAGRO and reinspected by VIGIAGRO or by the Federal Inspection Service (SIF, in the Portuguese acronym). It also established specific conditions for reinspection exemption.

The normative instruction also clarified general conditions for the reinspection procedures (article 10), including three levels of reinspection, determined by VIGIAGRO according to risk, type of animal products, country of origin and producer history. The three levels of reinspection are:

  • Physical check;
  • Physical check and physical exam;
  • Physical check, physical exam and sample collections.

Three product-specific reinspection manuals are available at MAPA’s website:

  • Annex II – Fisheries Reinspection Manual: Available here (in Portuguese);
  • Annex III – Dairy Products Reinspection Manual: Available here (in Portuguese);
  • Annex IV – Meet Products Reinspection Manual: Available here (in Portuguese).

More information is available in the normative instruction.