The Federal Government sanctioned the Digital Government Law (Law n. 14.129/2021), enacting principles, rules, and instruments for the provision of government services, applicable to federal, state, and municipal levels of government. The law is designed to improve public administration efficiency and lower companies’ bureaucratic costs.

The Federal Government sanctioned Law n. 14.129/2021, known as Digital Government Law, establishing principles, rules, and instruments for the digital transformation of government services, covering the three levels of government (federal, state and municipal). The law is designed to improve public administration efficiency and lower companies’ bureaucratic costs related to government services.

According to the new law, the public administration must provide their government services through digital solutions, where individuals and companies can submit digital or digitalized documents required by those services. Such documents must be validated by digital signatures, in accordance with Law n. 14.063/2020 (more information is available on the 18th edition of the Regulatory Report). The law also determined that a company’s CNPJ number and an individual’s CPF number represent sufficient identification for government databases.

Digital Government and public administration efficiency principles are listed in article 3, which include the simplification of procedures, interoperability of systems, and directives from the Brazilian Data Protection Law (Law n. 13.709/2018). The instruments for Digital Government Platforms are defined in articles 20 to 23, while rules for providing government services are described in articles 24 to 26. The law also established provisions on open data, interoperability of systems, innovation labs, and governance and risk management.

The new law also authorized the creation of a single national database for government services (“Base Nacional de Serviços Públicos”), designed to collect and publicize necessary information for government service provision. The Federal Government, states and municipalities may submit relevant information to that database, in accordance with their Digital Government Platforms’ user guidebooks (“Cartas de Serviços ao Usuário”).

The law comes into force on June 28, for the Federal Government; on July 28, for states and the Federal District; and on September 26, for municipalities.