The Federal Government established the National Program on Bio-Kerosene, as part of the “Fuel of the Future” program. Federal incentives will be provided to the research, production, and commercialization of sustainable aviation fuel.

The Federal Government, through Law n.º 14.248/2021, established the National Program on Bio-Kerosene, designed to incentivize the research and production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). The new program comprises the Federal Government’s “Fuel of the Future” program (reported in the 24th edition of the Regulatory Report), specifically the “ProBioQAV” thematic subcommittee.

According to the new law, the development of renewable fuel alternatives for aviation must be compatible with the current technology on jet engines and propulsion systems and guarantee the safety of aviation (article 2). As described in article 3, the program’s incentives comprise federal resources from development banks and agencies and fiscal benefits from the Federal Government.

According to the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), SAF product specifications from the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) will guide the program execution.