The Federal Government enacted three decrees on the incorporation of Brazilian international commitments under the International Maritime Organization (IMO) into its legal framework. They concern the main IMO convention and the MARPOL and BWM conventions.

The Federal Government enacted three decrees related to the ratification of international treaties under the framework of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), signed by Brazil in previous years, incorporating their provisions into the Brazilian legal framework. More specifically:

  • Decree n.º 10.957/2022 ratified the amendments to the convention establishing the IMO (Convention on the International Maritime Organization) provided in two IMO resolutions, Resolution A.724(17)/1991 and Resolution A.735(18)/1993;
  • Decree n.º 10.980/2022 ratified the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM), under IMO’s framework; and
  • Decree n.º 10.984/2022 ratified the amendments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), under IMO’s framework, and provided in 10 IMO resolutions, listed in the first article of the decree.