The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) updated the regulatory provisions on food supplements, including lists of authorized constituents, limits of use, nutrition allegations and complementary labeling. Companies have a two-year adaptation period to comply.

The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) enacted Normative Instruction n. 76/2020, altering ANVISA’s Normative Instruction n. 28/2018, in order to update the provisions on lists of authorized constituents, limits of use, nutrition allegations and complementary labeling of food supplements.

The new normative instruction is organized in following manner:

  • Lists of authorized constituents: articles 2, 3 and 4 and annexes I and II;
  • Lists of minimum and maximum limits of use: articles 5, 6 and 7 and annexes III and IV;
  • List of authorized nutrition allegations: article 8 and annex V;
  • List of complementary labeling requirements: article 9 and annex VI.

 Companies have until November 5, 2022 to comply with the new provisions.