The Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) launched a public consultation on the methodology for calculating operational costs, used in the Periodical Tariff Review of electrical energy rates applied by distribution concessionaries. The consultation is structured in two phases and aims at improving efficiency assessment procedures.

The Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) launched a public consultation on the methodology for calculating operational costs, used in the Periodical Tariff Review of electrical energy rates applied by distribution concessionaries. The consultation is structured in two phases and aims at improving efficiency assessment procedures.

The methodology for calculating regulatory operating costs (“Metodologia de Cálculo dos Custos Operacionais Regulatórios”) is used in the periodical tariff review process of electrical energy tariff rates that distribution concessionaries apply to consumers. Public Consultation n. 62/2020 from the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) is structured in two phases:

  • The first phase aims at collecting public contributions on the improvement of the current methodology for calculating operational costs, which is applied to the Tariff Regulation Procedures (PRORET, in the Portuguese acronym), Module 2, sections 2.2 and 2.2A.
  • The second phase seeks to survey the public opinion on the results from the first phase.

The revision of the methodology, to be enforced as of 2021, seeks to improve the regulatory incentives available for efficient operation, regarding comparison of efficiency levels between distribution concessionaries, estimation of input-output variables and rules for applying the operational results in tariff processes.

Technical details on the revision process are available here (in Portuguese).

Contributions to the first phase can be submitted until December 21 to this e-mail address using this contribution template. Contributions to the second phase, using the same contribution template and directed to the same
e-mail address, can be submitted between December 22 and January 25, 2021.