6th Round of airport concessions are under public consultation

6th Round of airport concessions are under public consultation

The National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) opened to public consultation the documents related to the 6th Round of Airport Concessions, namely the Technical, Economic and Environmental Feasibility Studies (EVTEA), draft auction notice, contract and annexes. The concessions are for the expansion, maintenance and operation of 22 airports and will be granted for 30 years. The concessions were divided in the following geographical blocks:

– South Block: Curitiba (PR), Foz do Iguaçu (PR), Navegantes (SC), Londrina (PR), Joinville (SC), Bacacheri (PR), Pelotas (RS), Uruguaiana (RS) and Bagé (RS);

– North Block: airports in Manaus (AM), Porto Velho (RO), Rio Branco (AC), Cruzeiro do Sul (AC), Tabatinga (AM), Tefé (AM) and Boa Vista (RR); and

– Central Block: airports in Goiânia (GO), São Luís (MA), Teresina (PI), Palmas (TO), Petrolina (PE) and Imperatriz (MA).

The documents under consultation can be accessed at the ANAC website and contributions must be submitted until March 30, 2020 (link above). Those concessions, included in the government ​Investment Partnership Program, seek to expand investments on airport infrastructure and, consequently, to improve the quality of service for users.