The Foreign Trade Chamber (CAMEX) postponed, until the end of 2020, the validity of the “Covid-19 list” of import tariff exemptions, covering products used in the fight against the pandemic. CAMEX also excluded 82 products from that list, which is now comprised of 480 products (259 tariff lines).

GECEX Resolution n. 104/2020 issued by the Executive Management Committee (GECEX) at the Foreign Trade Chamber (CAMEX) postponed the validity of the “Covid-19 list”, instituted by GECEX Resolution n. 17/2020, until December 31, as the terms of the resolution would have expired on October 30.

GECEX Resolution n. 103/2020 issued by GECEX/CAMEX excluded 82 products of 47 NCM (Mercosur Common Nomenclature) Codes from the Covid-19 list as of November 1. It now covers 480 products of 259 NCM codes that benefit from a temporary import tariff exemption. Another code (5603.12.10) will be excluded on December 1.

The list can be found in the updated annex of GECEX Resolution n. 17/2020, through this link (in Portuguese).