Law n. 14.034/2020 instituted emergency measures to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on the aerospace sector and extinguished an additional charge on international boarding fees. Such measures seek a better economic recovery for the sector and to make the Brazilian market more competitive.

Law n. 14.034/2020 instituted emergency measures to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on the aerospace sector and extinguished an additional charge on international boarding fees. Such measures seek a better economic recovery for the sector and to make the Brazilian market more competitive.

Law n. 14.034/2020 altered various regulations in order to facilitate economic recovery and to promote a competitive environment for aerial companies, especially for low cost airlines. The main alteration relates to art. 10, which extinguished, as of 2021, the additional charge of US$ 18 on international boarding fees, which had been instituted in 1997.

The law also altered the National Fund of Civil Aviation (FNAC, in the Portuguese acronym), instituted by Law n. 12.462/2011, making the fund eligible as an object and a guarantee for loans concluded until the end of 2020 by holders of airport concessions or concessions for the provision of regular air transport service. This is also valid for providers of auxiliar air transport services. A proof of pandemic-related losses must be provided.